Algorithm classification : Dynamic Programming
05.01.1. Problem
There are three operations that can be used for integer X as follows.
- If X is divisible by 3, divide by 3.
- If X is divisible by 2, divide by 2.
- subtract 1
Given an integer N, we try to make 1 by appropriately using the above three operations. Print the minimum number of times an operation is used.
05.01.2. Input limit
The first line is given an integer N greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 10^6.
05.01.3. Output
In the first line, the minimum value of the number of operations is printed.
05.01.4. Solution
N을 1로 만드는 최소 횟수는
점화식으로 표현할 수 있습니다.
int dp[1000001] = {0};
int cal(int n){
if(n == 1) return 0;
if(dp[n] != 0) return dp[n];
int result = cal(n-1) + 1;
if(n%3 == 0) result = min(result, cal(n/3) + 1);
if(n%2 == 0) result = min(result, cal(n/2) + 1);
dp[n]= result;
return result;
Top-down 방식이고 Bottom-up으로도 구현할 수 있습니다.
for(int i = 1; i < N; i++){
dp[i+1] = min(dp[i+1], dp[i]+1);
if(i*2 <= N) dp[i*2] = min(dp[i*2], dp[i]+1);
if(i*3 <= N) dp[i*3] = min(dp[i*3], dp[i]+1);
2021.12.15 - [학부공부/Algorithm_알고리즘] - 09. Dynamic Programming(1)
2021.12.17 - [학부공부/Algorithm_알고리즘] - 10. Dynamic Programming(2)
에서 소개해드린 피보나치 수열 예제와 비교해보면 점화식만 살짝 upgrade된 버전의 문제이니 한번 직접 풀어보시는 것을 추천드립니다.
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