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TP1.7. History in Colab shared links [OS Scheduling simulator] Track update history in Colab shared links We can see code modifications by different team members, as well as track execution results. This is very useful. 2022. 6. 6.
TP1.6. Corner case [OS Scheduling simulator] Corner case issue We discussed this issue at 3rd BREAKOUT MEETING (05.20.). We have to consider the case where CPU resources are not allocated to any process. The first uploaded Jupyter notebook file does not reflect the corresponding corner case. The unfortunate thing is that the first uploaded code seems to have to reflect the corener case syntactically. However, in reality, it was a code that.. 2022. 6. 6.
TP1.5. File format for Evaluation module [OS Scheduling simulator] File format for Evaluation module Example : tc1_FCFS.txt S E PROCESS 0 4 P1 4 5 P2 5 10 P0 10 17 P4 17 20 P3 20 22 P5 - 각 프로세스의 pid, bursttime, waitingtime, turnaroundtime, responsetime, priority 마지막 세 줄 : avgwait, avgturnaround, avgresponse Note : 각 line 별 줄 바꿈 이전에 ' '(공백)이 하나 있어야합니다! https://github.com/ghpk98/OS-Term-Project/tree/brchSON/testcase/tc1_result 가 도움이 될 수 있습니다. Testcase 구축 담당 팀원께서 .. 2022. 6. 6.
TP1.4. Python : GanttChart [OS Scheduling simulator] plotly.figure_factory.create_gantt plotly.figure_factory.``create_gantt(df, colors=None, index_col=None, show_colorbar=False, reverse_colors=False, title='Gantt Chart', bar_width=0.2, showgrid_x=False, showgrid_y=False, height=600, width=None, tasks=None, task_names=None, data=None, group_tasks=False, show_hover_fill=True)¶ deprecated, use instead plotly.express.timeline(). Returns figure for a .. 2022. 6. 6.
TP1.3. 05.20. BREAKOUT MEETING [OS Scheduling simulator] 3rd BREAKOUT MEETING 하나스퀘어 B1 GROUP STUDYROOM B133A 21:00 - 24:00 #6 중간결과 확인 개발방향 재검토(구현 기능, 시각화 기능, 분석 기능, 성능 비교 등 어디까지 구현하고 어떻게 구현할지) 알고리즘 및 역할 세부 재분담 깃헙협업체계 점검 : 업로드 양식 및 코드 리뷰 양식 일원화 계획서에 따른 개발일정 점검 중간결과 확인 개발계획 Note that all input/output data is processed with txt extension. Scheduling algorithm : C Evaluation Module : Python 개발 part compartmentalization > 역할분담 진행 용이 & 동시 개발 진행 가능👍 추가 역할분담 .. 2022. 6. 6.
TP1.2. Git branch [OS Scheduling simulator] Git branch Clone creation oss67820@LAPTOP-AN5FTPBK: ~$ clear oss67820@LAPTOP-AN5FTPBK:~ $ mkdir os2022 mkdir: cannot create directory ‘os2022’: File exists oss67820@LAPTOP-AN5FTPBK: ~$ dir os2022 oss67820@LAPTOP-AN5FTPBK:~ $ cd os2022 oss67820@LAPTOP-AN5FTPBK:~/os2022$ git clone [https://github.com/ghpk98/OS-Term-Project.git](https://github.com/ghpk98/OS-Term-Project.git) remote: Support for pas.. 2022. 6. 6.