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0. Plan [hydrogen atom wave function]

by sonpang 2021. 10. 22.

The most beautiful experiment in the world


0.1. Related subject/curriculum unit

Calculation of the wave function of a ground-state hydrogen atom: nuclear physics, photochemistry.



0.2. Motive

Computational physics is a subject that aims to deepen understanding of physics by solving physics problems using computers as tools. In order to solve a physics problem with a computer, a numerical method is required. Numerical analysis itself is not computational physics, but computational physics is to obtain physical understanding by solving physics problems using numerical analysis methods. The most difficult part to understand during the self-examination of ‘a study on the elastic modulus of the TATA box according to the DNA sequence’ was the principle of the simulation program called NAMD. The energies and boundary conditions between atoms were a major obstacle to modeling. In autonomous research, I analyzed vast simulation results with MATLAB, but this time I wanted to compose a simulation myself. Although I will not be able to complete high-level simulations, I would like to prepare a foothold for becoming a computational physicist.


Science historian and philosopher Robert P. Creese asked readers in 2002 to recommend an experiment he thought was the most beautiful in 'The World of Physics'. For Kriz, there were three criteria for beauty. First, in-depth knowledge about the world must be revealed, all instruments related to the experiment must show the experimental results, and finally, all theoretical questions must be resolved by the success of the experiment. The most beautiful experiment in the world I thought, and the ‘study on the wave function of a hydrogen atom’ in the field of nuclear physics, is one of the essential studies for understanding the properties of other polyelectron atoms.



2021.10.22 - [Project/Python] - 1. Summary [hydrogen atom wave function]


1. Summary [hydrogen atom wave function]

hydrogen atom wave function It is usually expressed in the form of a function ψ(x) of the spatial coordinate x, and is the basic equation of quantum mechanics. It is obtained by E. Schrödinger's w..


2021.10.22 - [Project/Python] - 2. Report1 [hydrogen atom wave function]


2. Report1 [hydrogen atom wave function]

The most beautiful experiment in the world Calculation of the Hydrogen atom wave function for the ground state 3.1. Goal Find the potential energy of a hydrogen atom and substitute it into the time-..


2021.10.22 - [Project/Python] - 3. Report2 [hydrogen atom wave function]


3. Report2 [hydrogen atom wave function]

After receiving feedback that it is difficult to draw graphs in C, I completed it in Python. Size is the same concept as the value of x to be checked. In other words, the check is performed only wit..


2021.10.22 - [Project/Python] - 4. Report3 [hydrogen atom wave function]


4. Report3 [hydrogen atom wave function]

Result When an input is made, the potential graph is always drawn. However, since the wave function process is framed, if the input value is not suitable for calculation, the graph may not be output..



2021.10.22 - [Project/Python] - 5. Report4 [hydrogen atom wave function]


5. Report4 [hydrogen atom wave function]

Example of result when substituting an inappropriate value Case1 The following result is a case where the range of tolerance is too narrow to be calculated by numerical analysis, or the size or inte..


2021.10.22 - [Project/Python] - 6. Note1 [hydrogen atom wave function]


6. Note1 [hydrogen atom wave function]

물리 현상을 연구하는 것은 쉽지 않은 일이다. 특히나 양자역학적 관점이 필요한 실험이나 연구는 더욱 그러할 것이다. 이 작품을 통해 수소원자 모형에 대해 더욱 깊이 알 수 있을 것이며, 나아


2021.10.22 - [Project/Python] - 7. Note2 [hydrogen atom wave function]


7. Note2 [hydrogen atom wave function]

자율탐구 때 연구하였던 분자동력학과 관련하여 입자의 운동을 주제로 선정하였으나 사전조사 결과 c언어는 물론이고 파이썬으로도 만유인력과 정전기적 인력까지 고려한 예제들이 있었다. 참


2021.10.22 - [Project/Python] - 8. Note3 [hydrogen atom wave function]


8. Note3 [hydrogen atom wave function]

Reference 대학물리학 [대학물리학 교재편찬위원회 역] / 2권 42장 원자물리학 Visual C++ 6.0으로 구현한 전산물리학 [최현진] / 미분방정식의 해를 찾는 code참조 쉽게 배우는 MATLAB 입문과 활용 (4판) [Tim



