3.1. Probelm
In this problem, you will implement a mini-calculator in Verilog HDL with the attached file (calculator.v), by filling out the missing parts of the modules below. The top module is 'calculator'.
There are 3 inputs for the 'calculator' module: two 2-bit operands, and one 7-bit operator. For example, in "3 + 2", "3" and "2" are operands, and "+" is operator. There is only one 4-bit output called “result”, which prints out the calculation result from the inputs. All operands and results represent numbers in unsigned form.
Operands are expected as an unsigned integer value, in binary form. For example, input "01" means 1 in decimal form, and "11" means 3 in decimal form. Following is an operand and result format.
Output "result" is derived from the calculation from the inputs:
"result" = "operand_a" "operator" "operand_b“
For example, for input ("2'b11", "-", "2'b10")=("operand_a", "operator", "operand_b"), "result" should print actual calculation result of "3 – 2", which is 0001, in binary form.
Operators are one of following: "+, -, *, /", each representing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, respectively.
Following is the output rules for each operation.
- Addition : standard addition
- Subtraction : If result is negative number, print out 4'b11xx, where "x" is don't care
- Multiplication : standard multiplication
- Division : upper 2-bit of the output (result[3:2]) should contain the quotient, and lower 2-bit of the output (result[1:0]) should contain the remainder. Division by 0 should print 4'xxxx.
Operators are given as an ASCII code for each operations. Please refer to ASCII table for each operator. "m1"~"m4" module is calculational module. It calculates the result based on the given inputs. "filter" module filters calculational result. Unless the valid bit is set to 1, calculational result given to this module will be filtered out, outputting 0.
To do: You are to fill out the missing part of the attached file named “calculator.v”. Missing parts are noted with "//FILL HERE//". You are not to change any code outside of "//FILL HERE//". Note that you can use both gate-level (and, or, ..., etc), and arithmetic operation(+, -, ..., etc).
3.2. Note
In this problem, you will implement a mini-calculator, by filling out the missing parts of the modules below.
The top module is 'calculator'.
There are 3 inputs for the 'calculator' module: two 2-bit operands, and one 7-bit operator.
For example, in "3 + 2", "3" and "2" are operands, and "+" is operator.
There is only one 4-bit output called “result”, which prints out the calculation result from the inputs.
All operands and results represent numbers in unsigned form.
Operands are expected as an unsigned integer value, in binary form.
For example, input "01" means 1 in decimal form, and "11" means 1'd3. Following is an operand and result format.
|1||0| = 2 (in decimal form)
| |__ operand[0]
|_____ operand[1]
|1||0||1||0| = 10 (in decimal form)
| | | |_ result[0]
| | |____ result[1]
| |_______ result[2]
|__________ result[3]
Output "result" is derived from the calculation from the inputs:
"result" = "operand_a" "operator" "operand_b“
For example, for input ("2'b11", "-", "2'b10") =("operand_a", "operator", "operand_b"), "result" should print actual calculation result of "3 - 2", which is 1, in binary form.
Operators are one of following: "+, -, *, /", each representing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, respectively.
Following is the output rules for each operation.
Addition: standard addition
Subtraction: If result is negative number, print out 4'b11xx, where "x" is don't care
Multiplication: standard multiplication
Division: upper 2-bit of the output (result[3:2]) should contain the quotient, and lower 2-bit of the output (result[1:0]) should contain the remainder. Division by 0 should print 4'xxxx.
Operators are first translated to ASCII value, and given as an input. Please refer to ASCII table for each operator.
"m1"~"m4" module is calculational module. It calculates the result based on the given inputs.
"filter" module filters calculational result. Unless the valid bit is set to 1, calculational result given to this module will be filtered out, outputting 0.
To do: You are to fill out the missing part of the following code. Missing parts are noted with "//FILL HERE//". You are not to change any code outside of "//FILL HERE//".
Note that you can use both gate-level (and, or etc), and arithmetic operation(+, - etc).
3.3. Code
module calculator
input [1:0] operand_a,
input [1:0] operand_b,
input [6:0] operator,
output [3:0] result
wire [3:0] m1_result;
wire [3:0] m2_result;
wire [3:0] m3_result;
wire [3:0] m4_result;
wire [3:0] m1_result_filtered;
wire [3:0] m2_result_filtered;
wire [3:0] m3_result_filtered;
wire [3:0] m4_result_filtered;
wire m1_valid;
wire m2_valid;
wire m3_valid;
wire m4_valid;
//덧셈 43 101011
//곱셈 42 101010
//뺄셈 45 101101
//나눗셈 47 101111
not (m1_valid, operator[0]); //곱하기
xor (m2_valid, operator[2], operator[0]); //더하기
not (m3_valid, operator[1]); //빼기
and (m4_valid, operator[2], operator[1]); //나누기
or (result[0], m1_result_filtered[0], m2_result_filtered[0], m3_result_filtered[0], m4_result_filtered[0]);
or (result[1], m1_result_filtered[1], m2_result_filtered[1], m3_result_filtered[1], m4_result_filtered[1]);
or (result[2], m1_result_filtered[2], m2_result_filtered[2], m3_result_filtered[2], m4_result_filtered[2]);
or (result[3], m1_result_filtered[3], m2_result_filtered[3], m3_result_filtered[3], m4_result_filtered[3]);
module1 m1
module2 m2
module3 m3
module4 m4
filter m1_filter
filter m2_filter
filter m3_filter
filter m4_filter
module filter
input [3:0] in,
input valid,
output [3:0] out
and (out[0], in[0], valid);
and (out[1], in[1], valid);
and (out[2], in[2], valid);
and (out[3], in[3], valid);
module module1
input [1:0] a,
input [1:0] b,
output [3:0] result
//result[3] = a[1]a[0]b[1]b[0]
//result[2] = a[1]a[0]’b[1] + b[1]b[0]’a[1]
//result[1] = a[0]b[1]b[0]’ + a[1]’a[0]b[1] + a[1]a[0]’b[0] + a[1]b[1]’b[0]
//result[0] = a[0]b[0]
assign result[3] = a[1]&a[0]&b[1]&b[0];
assign result[2] = a[1]&!a[0]&b[1] | b[1]&!b[0]&a[1];
assign result[1] = a[0]&b[1]&!b[0] | !a[1]&a[0]&b[1] | a[1]&!a[0]&b[0] | a[1]&!b[1]&b[0];
assign result[0] = a[0]&b[0];
module module2
input [1:0] a,
input [1:0] b,
output [3:0] result
//result[3] = 0
//result[2] = a[0]b[1]b[0] + a[1]b[1] + a[1]a[0]b[0]
//result[1] = a[1]a[0]’b[1]’ + a[1]b[0]’b[1]’ + a[0]a[1]b[0]b[1] + a[1]’a[0]b[1]’b[0] + a[1]’a[0]’b[1] + a[1]’b[1]b[0]’
//result[0] = a[0]’b[0] + a[0]b[0]’
assign result[3] = 0;
assign result[2] = a[0]&b[1]&b[0] | a[1]&b[1] | a[1]&a[0]&b[0];
assign result[1] = a[1]&!a[0]&!b[1] | a[1]&!b[0]&!b[1] | a[0]&a[1]&b[0]&b[1] | !a[1]&a[0]&!b[1]&b[0] | !a[1]&!a[0]&b[1] | !a[1]&b[1]&!b[0];
assign result[0] = !a[0]&b[0] | a[0]&!b[0];
module module3
input [1:0] a,
input [1:0] b,
output [3:0] result
//result[3] = a[1]’b[1] + a[0]’b[1]b[0] + a[1]’a[0]’b[0]
//result[2] = a[1]’b[1] + a[0]’b[1]b[0] + a[1]’a[0]’b[0]
//result[1] = a[1]b[1]’b[0]’ + a[1]a[0]b[1]’
//result[0] = a[0]’b[0] + a[0]b[0]’
assign result[3] = !a[1]&b[1] | !a[0]&b[1]&b[0] | !a[1]&!a[0]&b[0];
assign result[2] = !a[1]&b[1] | !a[0]&b[1]&b[0] | !a[1]&!a[0]&b[0];
assign result[1] = a[1]&!b[1]&!b[0] | a[1]&a[0]&!b[1];
assign result[0] = !a[0]&b[0] | a[0]&!b[0];
module module4
input [1:0] a,
input [1:0] b,
output [3:0] result
//result[3] = a[1]b[1]’
//result[2] = a[0]b[1]’ + a[1]a[0] + a[1]b[0]’
//result[1] = a[1]a[0]’b[1]b[0]
//result[0] = a[0]b[0]’ + a[1]’a[0]b[1]
assign result[3] = a[1]&!b[1];
assign result[2] = a[0]&!b[1] | a[1]&a[0] | a[1]&!b[0];
assign result[1] = a[1]&!a[0]&b[1]&b[0];
assign result[0] = a[0]&!b[0] | !a[1]&a[0]&b[1];
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